Board meetings should be interactive and productive with an emphasis on the strategic direction and organization goals. By following these best practices boards can improve participation and effectiveness while enhancing use this link efficiency, decision-making, and governance.

Attendance at Quorum is required

A brief review of the agenda as well as a summary of the highlights from previous meetings, whether in person or by phone will help establish an upbeat mood for the rest of the board meeting. This will also ensure that a quorum of members is present to conduct business.

Provide an In-Depth Discussion of the key items

Effective board meetings must include the opportunity for deep discussion. Overly long agendas may make it difficult for participants to keep track of routine reports or “have to” items, which could divert attention from discussions about strategic and high-level topics.

Encourage participation by creating a safe and respectful environment

Engaging discussions require a culture that encourages participation and respect for diverse views. This can be achieved by encouraging all board members be vocal and avoid slandering people and encouraging an open dialog. This can also be achieved through the use of facilitatory techniques and board evaluations that encourage productive and informed discussions.

Clearly define the process for decision-making in order to avoid disagreements, confusion, and miscommunication. Determine if decisions are taken through consensus, majority vote, or some other method, and then record the results accurately in your board minutes. Similarly, be transparent about how you’ll handle accountability and follow-up questions.

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Di Porto Architecture & Design