The Mergers Acquisitions Blog is excellent place to find out more about the pros and cons and issues that come with mergers and acquisitions. It contains cases studies, articles, and interviews, in addition to other useful resources.

Companies often join or acquire to increase their growth and increase their market share, enter into new markets, or enhance their competitive edge. Regardless of the reason successful M&A strategies require careful planning and execution.

The most typical M&A involves the merger of two companies into one. However, an acquiring firm can also buy another company. Purchasing a business is different from merging as it is considered to be a transfer of ownership.

When M&As occur in the majority of cases, there is an obvious benefit for both parties. Financial M&As for instance, are often targeted to obtain cash or assets with discounted prices. Strategic M&A, on the other it is focused on solving a specific business issue or opening. It could involve acquiring new products, expanding facilities, or acquiring expertise and intellectual property. M&A has been utilized by companies to escape bad business conditions in the past. For instance, during the 2008 financial crisis, many banks joined forces to survive.

If a company is deciding to enter into an M&A it has to take into account the impact of the deal on its employees. Employees may be concerned about how they will fit in with the culture of the new company, what benefits could be changed, and more. HR should be prepared to respond to these concerns in an appropriate and concise manner.

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